mramsey1Sep 20, 2016hivio 2016: What’s the Future of ESPN Audio?If ever there was a brand built on proprietary content, that brand is ESPN. Across all platforms, ESPN Audio offers more than 9,000 hours...
mramsey1Nov 4, 2015Radio Play-By-Play without Play-By-Play Rights FeesSo let’s say you’re a radio station that attracts a male audience, but when play-by-play airs on another station, BOOM – off go listeners...
mramsey1Aug 12, 2013What ESPN’s Franchise Business Means to YouWhy did ESPN acquire Nate Silver and his hugely popular NYT blog Was it just to lay odds on sports events? Or was it...
mramsey1Nov 27, 2012Communicating the FOX Sports TV WayRecently I was given a slim but potent handbook made for FOX Sports’ TV commentators. It was created by FOX’s David Hill in 2010. Every...