mramsey1Oct 21, 2013And Pandora’s Newest Client is…Radio!Today in two conversations two separate radio stations told me how they were promoting their brand using Pandora. Yes, you heard that...
mramsey1Apr 5, 2012Surprise! Advertisers want Results and Tracking!That’s the lesson from the vivid interview just posted by Radio Ink with a New Jersey car dealer. Much credit goes to Radio Ink for this...
mramsey1Aug 10, 2011You are not in the “Radio Industry”A couple years ago, radio industry vets would have scoffed at the idea that a leading broadcaster like Radio One would ever consider...
mramsey1Sep 7, 2010Yes, I Can Prove Radio Works for Advertisers“Did it work?” is rarely the question since most radio sales operations don’t care to know (and neither do many agencies). But “most”...
mramsey1Aug 12, 2010Advice to a Radio CopywriterA reader sent me this note recently: Dear Mark: As a radio copywriter, one of the largest frustrations I’ve had is never knowing how our...
mramsey1Jun 1, 2010Making Radio Accountable in One Easy LessonOne of the reasons why ratings are less important than ever is because accountability – measuring what works – is more important than...