mramsey1Oct 17, 2012The Rise of “Radio as a Feature”We are witnessing the dawn of a new age: The rise of radio as a feature. That means “radio” isn’t simply a media category run by media...
mramsey1Nov 15, 2011What Makes Radio MatterSo the other day I was in Barnes & Noble for the first time in a long time. What a revelation! Where are the DVD’s?! Gone! And the...
mramsey1May 8, 2011Yes, Pandora is “Radio”It’s a question vexing many broadcasters, especially those charged with leading the radio industry: Is Pandora “radio” or is it something...
mramsey1May 20, 2010What IS “Radio” in 2010? (Hint: Move the Frame)Those of you who are thoughtful about radio's future and its many opportunities in a digital world will appreciate this video – it's a...