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Jan 17, 2017
The Secrets to Facebook Engagement for Radio
Now that Facebook is all but “pay for play,” what’s the best way for you to maximize your time and your investment on the platform as you...
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Oct 4, 2016
When Under-34’s Shrink Their Radio Listening
People under the age of 50 spend more time every week using apps and the web on their smartphone than they spend listening to the radio....
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Nov 30, 2015
Forget about Share-of-Ear
“Share-of-ear.” It’s a mantra among broadcasters nowadays. And I’m going to explain why you should forget about it. You know what it...
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Sep 22, 2014
What is Radio’s “Fair Share” of Revenue?
“Radio does not get its fair share [of ad revenue],” says Radio Ink. That’s based on a new eMarketer report indicating that consumers...
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Dec 19, 2011
Arbitron doesn’t like Audience Estimate Comparisons
Can you convert streaming metrics to shares and compare those shares to the numbers in an Arbitron ranker? Of course you can, but that...
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Oct 3, 2011
4 Ways to Improve Your Station’s Website
Here are four key things that will instantly improve your station’s website: Stuff that’s compelling (no, I mean compelling) Bite-size...
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