Formerly top-rated LA radio stars Heidi and Frank have taken their show to the world via the Internet. How’s that working for them? Quite well, thank you.
Take a look at these statistics:
After Hours, the weekly audio podcast starring them, was named to the “Rewind 2010: Best Podcasts” year-end showcase of the iTunes Store’s best podcasts of 2010.
Last November, Heidi and Frank became the #1 paid subscriber-supported Internet TV show in America. With more than 6,500 paid subscribers viewing the show online a total of 200,000 hours over its first eight weeks, they are pioneering the paid content industry.
Furthermore, the site has attracted 650,000 unique visitors and generated over 6.2 million page views following its launch on October 4, 2010.
So why did they do it – and how? Why doesn’t every great entertainment show do this? Isn’t a great show potentially great across all platforms, not just radio? How does it change a show to be on-demand, online, on video, and on audio all at once? How can this all be monetized?
Those are just some of the questions I had for Heidi and Frank in this conversation.
Listen in:
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What Heidi and Frank really get – and this is important – is that just as there’s no such thing as only radio in a digital media world, there’s no such thing as an only radio entertainment show. They are not just repurposing content across media, they are reimagining it. The headphones can and will vanish in front of the cameras; ditto for the sound board – because TV is not radio. This is incredibly challenging but incredibly freeing to top-notch talent. And it will invariably lead these brands to snowball in popularity.
It’s my belief that the passion inspired by great radio talent is critical to radio’s future and to the future of that talent across all platforms. It means wearing more hats and doing more work, but it changes the experience of your show dramatically and broadens your opportunity for success.
One day Heidi and Frank will be back on the radio (because radio needs talent like a morning needs sunshine). And when they do, they will STILL have their thriving digital empire.
What about your show?