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Does your Radio Brand need a “Content Director”?

Media brands the world over are reconceptualizing the old-fashioned role of the “program director” into something entirely new, the “content director.”

This is not simply a change in labels, as I explain in the video below, but a major change in responsibility and in the aspiration of the one-time radio-only brand across its various platforms.  Indeed, it may be that some folks who qualify to be “program director” don’t measure up to the challenge of “content director.”

One of the facts of life in our evolving media age is that the corners of our “box” are changing – they’re getting fuzzy.  And managers and leaders who can navigate those fuzzy borders to exploit new opportunities will rise to the top of the radio food chain.

It strikes me as curious that this new title and its commensurate responsibilities are much more likely to exist outside the US than within it.  What does that tell us?

Check out this video to see what a “content director” is and why you need one.

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