Yesterday, I posted a conversation with Broadcast Architecture’s Allen Kepler about the video interviews he recently conducted with real PPM panelists.
Among the questions addressed:
Why do they do it? Do they follow the rules? Do they even know it’s about radio, or do they think it’s about all media? What do they think of the meters themselves and are they embarrassed to be seen wearing one? Is it true that multiple households kept their meters moving by attaching them to ceiling fans? And what should you do to target the kind of folks who are likely to be panelists?
Allen presented the video at the Sunset Sessions in San Diego last week. And directly following his presentation I was on a panel to discuss the findings with Allen from Broadcast Architecture, Mike Henry of Paragon Media Strategies, KPRI’s Bob Hughes, and WRLT GM Fred Buc. And it was all moderated by KFOG’s Dennis Constantine.
Tune in here for the audio from that panel conversation. I have tried to provide the highlights. There’s a lot of interesting stuff here.
It opens with me responding to the finding that more than one PPM household attached their meters to ceiling fans to keep them moving.
Here’s the audio:
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You can also download the audio here.
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I would strongly urge you to watch the video of my conversation with Allen for an overview of the findings.