Today is the day.
It’s the day that the first two episodes of my new series for Wondery, Inside the Exorcist are released.
Drop whatever you’re doing and subscribe here.
Why should you listen?
Because the series is really, really good.
And because if you enjoyed my previous series, Inside Psycho, you’re going to like this one even more. This is the kind of audio that helped make radio famous once upon a time. And today it’s driving new interest in the on-demand category.
Inside The Exorcist is a 7-part deep-dive into the backstory of the people who made the classic The Exorcist, the behind-the-scenes secrets, the impact the movie had on their lives and our own, and especially the story of the true-life exorcism in 1949 that inspired this unforgettable tale. It’s scary and spiritual and moving and funny and dramatic. The whole nine yards.
It’s sweeping in scope and it will definitely contain stories you have never heard before. It’s an audio graphic novel, more TV series than radio show. And that’s what makes it special.
Plus, it is a ground-breaking, landmark example of how to use audio to shock and compel and move emotions. It contains some of the finest audio production I – or you – have ever heard. And for that all the thanks goes to my brilliant collaborator Jeff Schmidt. So grab those headphones and immerse yourself!
Wondery has been a terrific partner on this project – supportive from the beginning. I have learned a lot about how to make these things succeed, and much of what I have learned has been in association with Wondery.
So please give the show a listen and tell your friends. It’s the perfect companion to the Halloween season!
Meanwhile I’ll have more announcements about this series – and Inside Psycho – over the coming weeks.
Stay tuned!
If anybody out there wants to interview me about the project please don’t hesitate to reach out.