Andy Bowers is the Chief Content Officer of Panoply, a leading podcast network and an innovator in the space.
In this Q&A from hivio 2016, the audio future festival, I talk with Andy about Panoply’s business model, how the company works with advertisers and brands, and the future of podcasting as a business.
Among the questions Andy addresses:
Describe Panoply
For advertisers, Panoply is more about impact than scale. How is that distinction important and how does it work for you?
How do you work with brands?
Most of the advertising on Panoply is direct response. This is a small portion of the ad dollar. When will this evolve? How will it evolve?
What data do you need to boost the business of podcasting?
Client-branded podcasts – The Message / GE, companion podcasts for HBO / Netflix. How did these come about?
Describe the business model for Panoply? How do you make money?
How do you measure success for Panoply and your clients?
What is a “Panoply show?” How does a show become a Panoply show?
What’s your aspiration? How large?
What are the challenges in a podcasting network?
If you’re in the audio space then you have to grapple with monetizing on-demand content. See what you can learn from Andy. Click here:
This is another of many videos I’ll be sharing from hivio 2016.
You’ll find them first here in this blog.