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hivio 2016: “What the F**k Happened to Radio?”


Howard Lapides is a veteran of radio.

As CEO of Lapides Entertainment, Howard is now managing writer/producers, talk show hosts, authors, comedians, and actors, as well as executive producing a variety of shows, like VH-1’s highly successful “Celebrity Rehab” franchise, Comedy Central’s “The Man Show,” and “LoveLine” on MTV.

Among Howard’s first words to the audience: “Radio as you learned it is gone, but radio is not gone.”

Howard is a keen observer of the radio space and a fan of the medium, but an even bigger fan of the content carried by that medium.

“Make a noise,” Howard advised us. Great advice.

Are you?

Some of the questions we cover:

  1. Talk about some of the talent you’ve worked with who have at least part of their identity in the audio space?

  2. How does a talent grow from audio into other platforms? Why is that even important?

  3. Thanks to the low bar required to podcast, everybody thinks they’re a radio talent. Are they?

  4. What do you look for in the talent you partner with? What are the talent must-do’s – must-not-do’s?

  5. How do you advise talent?

  6. What are media companies looking for from talent?

I really think you’re going to enjoy this conversation with Howard. Watch it here:

This is another of many videos I’ll be sharing from hivio 2016.

You’ll find them first here in this blog.


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