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How the AAA format thrives in a Pandora age


Dennis Constantine is one of America’s best known Adult Alternative/AAA programmers.

After years at the helm of legendary AAA stations like KINK in Portland and KBCO in Denver/Boulder, Dennis knows a lot about how to keep a radio station relevant, even in an age where any music you want is available whenever and wherever you want it.

So what’s the secret of thriving in the Pandora age?

Watch and see for yourself.

Dennis also has some keen observations on the impact that PPM measurement has on radio’s present and future.  While it is not uniformly true that PPM favors background formats, it is often true.  And it is likewise true that the battle for radio’s future will invariably wage between those who create content for active audiences and those who create for the passive, because while passive ad dollars will not vanish anytime soon, advertising is unquestionably moving from passive to active consumers, from nameless and faceless “hearers” to targeted and willing co-participants in the media process.

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