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How to “Fame”



Think fame isn’t a formula?

Think again.

And RLM Public Relations head Richard Laermer is going to spell it out for you. A frequently-quoted authority on media culture and hype, Richard is a PR visionary, former journalist, and author of five bestselling books including 2011: Trendspotting, Punk Marketing, Full Frontal PR, and the forthcoming How To Fame.

Here are just some of the questions we covered in this conversation at hivio 2015:

  1. What are the “how to fame” commandments? How do you “fame”?

  2. What is “Pragmatic Notoriety”?

  3. Everybody wants to “go viral”. What’s the difference between “going viral” and achieving lasting fame?

  4. So how does an audio brand make itself famous?

  5. What would be your advice to fame-seeking air talents – the people behind mic?

Richard knows how to capture attention better than anybody I know. Enjoy his comments in this Q&A.

Click the video below to watch:

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