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How to Monetize Online Radio


One of my great pleasures in life is being proved right – because it’s so much better than the alternative.

I have argued long and hard for online radio as an important piece of radio’s digital portfolio, yet I have been faced with all the usual push-back.  From stations that unplug their streams – and get lots of attention from the radio industry for doing so – to stations that turn their stream into a subscriber-only affair and settle for whatever short term gains will arise from that effort.

I have even had a major group head tell me outright: “There’s no money to be made in online radio.”

“He’s wrong,” says Andy Ruback, and Andy is one to know.

Andy is the GM of NRG Media’s Lincoln NE cluster.  And Andy is making money with online radio out of the box.  Lots of it.  And no, he’s not trading digital dollars for over-the-air ones.

What’s his secret?  It’s not that complicated – it’s just that strategic.

Watch this video for an overview of the smart moves underway in Lincoln NE that allow NRG in this modestly sized market to outbill the streaming revenue of much larger groups in much larger markets.

For more info on what Andy’s doing, you can reach out to him personally via email.

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(You can subscribe to all the MRM video and audio via iTunes and get the goodies before everybody else.)


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