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Interactivity: A lost opportunity for your station?

Viewers want advanced interactive television functionality across every genre of programming and advertising:

– 72% of those who watch reality TV shows want to interact with those shows – 65% of those who watch sporting events on TV want to interact with those events – 66% of viewers want to interact with commercial advertising – 50% of those who watch drama TV shows indicated that they would be interested in interacting with those shows

This leads to a series of questions I haven’t asked, but ones I suspect I know the answer to:

How many listeners to your station want to interact with your programming?

How many opportunities do you provide for them to do that?

This is one of the great and largely squandered opportunities for radio.

Sure we take callers on the air. But getting your call through is like winning a contest – it’s the luck of the draw.

Tools like TXT messaging and the Internet, however, are made for universal access.

But how very few of our stations invite it?

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