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Is terrestrial radio missing the Internet radio boat?


We asked a random cross-section of America (from age 12-54) if they’ve ever listened to streaming audio or Internet radio online. 43% said they had.

Then, we asked this question:

And did you listen to a LOCAL radio station on the Internet, a radio station from SOMEWHERE ELSE, or a specialized Internet Radio site, such as Live 365 or Launchcast/Yahoo Music?

Listeners could select more than one of the above.

And the answer surprised us.

40% of those who had listened to Internet radio said they tuned in a specialized Internet Radio site, compared to only 25% or less for any of the other options. (It’s also interesting to note that listening to LOCAL radio online is only slightly more appealing (25%) than tuning in DISTANT radio stations online (21%)).

And when we view these results demographically, the advantage of specialized Internet Radio sites among the young is obvious:


Remember, this is a national study, so it includes every corner of the country – including plenty of areas where radio stations simply don’t take the opportunity and threat of online radio seriously. Clearly, the radio industry is (so far) losing the battle for its online radio future.

And you can assume that young music fans who grow up favoring online radio may continue to do so as they get older.

We should view this as a threat – and an opportunity.

Is your radio station “broadcasting” online? If so, do your listeners know?

Act now.


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