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Local Public Radio: What To Do…

…in a world where the networks you pay for content circumvent you by distributing much of that same content online?

This is a complicated question, but it’s one that branding authority Tom Asacker tackles with me in this highlight from our conversation at the recent Public Radio Program Director’s conference in Las Vegas.

Is it as simple as “more local news” because newspapers are folding (pun intended) all over America?

Oh no it isn’t.  Not nearly.

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You can tune in to our full fifty-minute chat here (it was one of the PRPD’s highlights, I’m proud to say).  There’s lots of value there for broadcasters in general and public radio programmers in particular.  Among our topics:

  1. What is a “brand”?

  2. What kind of “value” can a radio brand provide?

  3. What does “local” mean?

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