What is an “on-demand brand,” and why should you care about it?
An “on-demand brand” is one that “recognizes that the Internet [and everything that touches it] has moved from content retrieval and e-commerce to content creation, collaboration, participation, and exhibition.”
So says Rick Mathieson, author of The On-Demand Brand: 10 Rules for Digital Marketing Success in an Anytime, Everywhere World
“Digital is not about replacing traditional [media], it’s about empowering it,” says Rick.
Digital media enable a degree of interaction that has heretofore been limited to whether or not the jock answers the request line back in the day when the only way to hear what you want was to drive to the the Sam Goody or to wait for the radio station to “try to get to that” request.
My, how times have changed.
As broadcasters, we spend too much time asking what we should put on our websites and not enough time considering how we can create opportunities for our audiences to interact with us and each other.
And interaction doesn’t need to focus on digital media. Radio has always promoted interaction in the real world, and one of the most potent forms of under-used interaction in radio today is text messaging (watch Rick’s story on the success of one particular hipcricket promotion).
“Traditional media is the sizzle to digital steak,” says Mathieson in this video. That’s why everything digital is more effective when driven by the powerful megaphone of the local radio station – a key point I’ve been focused on for a long time.
So watch this video, and ask yourself whether your digital destination is a billboard choked with ads and promotional messages or a sandbox where consumers can create, collaborate, participate, and interact.
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