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News/Talk Radio with pictures?

This article is required reading for any radio station in a News or News/Talk format:

39 of the top 40 daily newspapers in the U.S. use video on their sites, according to a recent study by online-clip distributor The News Market and Northwestern’s Medill School of Journalism. Of 150 print publications surveyed, 79% are capable of producing video. “Both newspapers and TV stations need to have video to be competitive online,” says Web consultant Steve Safran, president of Safran Media Group. “The goal is to provide the best local news in a multimedia format.”

Where’s the video on your website?

No longer can you wait for your bosses to reformulate your online strategy and web design. No longer can you wait for initiatives to be liquidated as a condition of their introduction. That’s putting the cart before the horse.

The audience will go where they want, not where you want. Is that to your website or not? If you think downloadable audio covers you, then why are newspapers sending out reporters with DV cams?

The train is leaving the station, so to speak. Is it leaving your station behind?

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