There’s lots of chatter about podcasting today – from hobbyists, from fans, and from the companies deeply embedded in the space. But all that is nothing compared to what’s coming.
Every year comes another statistic about the growth of podcasting among consumers, but even that doesn’t touch what’s coming.
What’s coming is that podcasting is going to be big business, and it’s going to happen sooner than you think.
ART19 is one of the new companies at the center of that transformation.
Recently I talked to several of the principals of ART19, Sean Carr, Matt Belknap, and Roddy Swearngin. And one thing that came through our conversation with crystal clarity is that the metrics of podcasting – the listener behaviors that are measurable and measured – are changing fast. Easily the biggest obstacle to the business of podcasting at scale is that advertisers lack the metrics they want and expect from a mass media platform. That problem is being solved, folks. And when it is solved, the ad dollar floodgates will open and open wide.
While some of those dollars will likely be new to audio, a big chunk of them will also come from that other platform with well established listener metrics: Radio.
So listen to this short interview with the gang at ART19. You’ll hear what they do and how they – and others – are at the vanguard of the fast-evolving business of podcasting. More important, you’ll hear just how the metrics of podcasting are changing and how fast that change is occurring.
And…you’ll also hear how all that legacy content can finally be monetized.
As I have long argued, there is no such thing as “radio” or “podcasting” per se, both are part of a larger universe of “audio.” And when each corner of the audio spectrum boasts the kind of metrics advertisers demand, the only thing separating one brand choice over another will be the size and nature of the audience and the strength of the content.
Are you playing this game yet?