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Socializing your Radio Platform

Radio has been (incorrectly) referred to as the “original social network.”  But if it’s so social, then why are our platforms so stridently and utterly non-social?

It doesn’t have to be that way.

Just ask Elliott Hurst.  He’s the CEO of SoCast SRM, a company dedicated to transforming radio’s relationship with its audiences by socializing the experience across digital platforms.

Watch the overview of what SoCast does in my Q&A with Elliott below (make sure to click the “expand” icon in the lower-right-hand corner of the video).

What I find most interesting is the ability of the SoCast platform to transform social media (e.g., Facebook) posts into “bridges” for listening directly to your station’s stream (this is explained in our Q&A).  This will tangibly increase usage of the stream and dramatically increase the spread of the “stream message” via direct links across the social graphs of your fans.  I think this is a big deal, and long overdue.


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