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The Coming Seacrest Tsunami


Some time ago,

I asked why we don’t see one of radio’s biggest stars, Ryan Seacrest, on more radio stations, when his celebrity and familiarity would easily attract listeners to whatever station features him.

The answer came a couple days ago.

You probably noticed a new deal for Seacrest with Clear Channel which would provide a three-hour daily syndicated program which could run on any station between 10am and 7pm PT.

Now what do you think Clear Channel intends to do with this show?

The answer, I think, is obvious: Clear Channel will sweep this show across the country on perhaps every CHR station it owns, displacing hundreds of local and other syndicated shows in the process. Goodbye midday show. Goodbye afternoon show. Hello Ryan Seacrest.

Lots of on-air talent is going to lose their jobs, thanks to this deal.

But if you believe, as I have long argued, that “star” talent and broad distribution is where it’s at for radio’s future…If you believe that the content between the songs is what makes radio different from and better than any alternative, then you have to view this pending revolution as a positive change overall.

Positive for the industry, the stations, and the audience.

Not so positive for those who are displaced.

But talent is scarce, stars are few and far between, and there’s only one Ryan Seacrest.


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