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The Future of Radio is Between (or instead of) the Songs

What’s the future of radio?

The answer is not “technology,” although that’s part of the answer.  The answer is to leverage what can’t be easily duplicated by people who are much more knowledgeable about and committed to technology than you are.

The future is between – or instead of – the songs.

Southern Cross Austereo’s extraordinarily bright and talented Craig Bruce talked with me about this very topic.

We discuss:

  1. Are listeners less engaged in radio than they used to be?

  2. What will be the impact of pure-plays like Pandora or Spotify on radio?

  3. Why can’t we find and nurture fresh talent?

  4. Is the current state of radio in the US “bleak,” as Craig describes it?

The very definition of radio is the problem, I argue. Nowadays we are all in the media business – and more specifically (to quote my friend Tom Asacker) in the idea business.

Watch this video, which was part of Craig’s “Content Director Grad School”:

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