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The Lines between Media are Blurring…

In a post about the face-off between Amazon's Kindle vs. Apple's iPad on the book-reading front, a point is made about the "fuzzying" of lines that relates to radio as much as it does to print.

Nick Bilton argues: "If you look at the way many of us consume content online, it's shifting from just reading words to consuming multimedia … We view images, watch videos and add our own commentary to the content we ingest."

What Bilton is describing is a blurring of the lines separating media – ALL media – from each other.

When lines blur it's not the different flavors of media that matter, it's the content expressed in those forms that matters.  And the reason is that the ubiquitous expression of content can be assumed.  It's what you express that separates the proverbial men from the proverbial boys.

The challenge becomes creating unique and compelling content.  Then going to town on the media possibilities of that content, regardless of platform.

This is a major transformation in the way broadcasters need to think about their industry (which now actually becomes industries joined at the hip called "content").

Needless to say, as this content is grown and nurtured and exposed, it may look very little like what we today call "radio."

And it may not even come from what today we call "broadcasters."

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