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The Return of Horror Radio


Once upon a time, things that go bump in the night went bump in the night on the radio.

Everything old is new again, particularly when it’s updated for a new – and digital – age.

That explains a new series of “horror radio plays” brought to you by horror maestro Larry Fessenden.

Larry and his production company, Glass Eye Pix, are best known in the movie world, where they are the creative and production forces behind many of today’s best-known independent horror flicks.

Larry’s new project, “Tales from Beyond the Pale,” is not a retread of golden age radio oldies.  This is a series of all-new shows by contemporary writers and played by name brand talent such as Vincent D’Onorfio and Ron Perlman.

Leave it to someone from outside radio to create great radio.

So why did Larry do it?  Listen to my (very funny) conversation with Larry and find out (you’ll also hear an excerpt from a recent episode).

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(You can subscribe to all the MRM video and audio via iTunes and get the goodies before everybody else.)

What you’ll discover is this:  Sometimes the best content is created not because of a guaranteed payoff, but because great content creators need to create great content, even if they have to spend some time selling it once it’s in the can.

In other words, to paraphrase Tom Asacker, you will never know if it will work unless you first try.

Tales from Beyond the Pale is great content.  And my sincerest hope is that broadcasters worldwide contact Larry and help give this content the audience it deserves.


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