What’s going to happen to radio in the future?
That’s what everybody wants to know, and it’s the wrong question.
Here’s a better one: How do broadcasters leverage the relationships we have between our consumers and our clients mediated in our presence or, as I like to put it, our “sandbox”?
Do our brands need a regularly updated website or a mobile app? Again, the wrong questions.
It’s not about the fads you should follow, it’s about what business you are in and how to maximize that business.
What follows is a really good interview with me recorded just prior to my presentation at this week’s National Association of Farm Broadcasters conference.
Listen! You won’t regret it. Yes, it’s short.
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The interviewer is Chuck Zimmerman of AgWired. You can check out his write-up of the Q&A and the conference here. Thanks for the interview, Chuck!
(You can subscribe to all the MRM video and audio via iTunes and get the goodies before everybody else. You can also get advance notice of this content if you “like” MRM on Facebook or follow me on Twitter).