I’m going to have a lot more to say about this – and other trends for 2007 – within a few days.
For now ask yourself this:
What happens when you shimmy the WiFi capability of the iPhone to the next generation iPods which, no doubt, will debut in time for Christimas 2007? Further, what happens when Apple soups up their radio streaming services in order to add value to this WiFi capability?
The answser: Radio becomes portable again. Your station – along with thousands of others streaming from radio stations and bedrooms all over the world.
Steve Jobs projects the iPhone will have 10 million units on the market in 2008 – at least 8 million more iPhones than there will be HD radios (at a price point hundreds of dollars higher, I might add). And that doesn’t count many millions more WiFiPods which will bring thousands of new radio competitors to the ears of your audience.
When you can hear anything you want from anywhere you want – conveniently and easily – you’ll want to hear not just what’s familiar but also what’s coolest, what’s most interesting, what’s most compelling, what’s unique, what’s best. The best brands – not necessarily the narrowest niches.
The “long tail” comes to radio just in time for Christmas 2007.
Happy Holidays.