Recently I was the guest of honor on a call for digital players in the Christian radio space hosted by Chris Laney of Digital Frontiers Media.
Among the questions:
Most major research companies state that by 2015, more then 80% of first time traffic to a website will be via mobile. How do you think radio is doing with developing strategic action plans regarding mobile and in particular Christian radio?
I am sure you hear this as much as I do that stations feel like they “need” a mobile app? Have you found that the mobile app market is becoming saturated and what stations or things have you seen made things stick out above others?
One of the biggest issues regarding Christian radio when developing a strategic digital strategy is finances. Many are listener supported and don’t think they have the money to invest in the digital realm. Do you believe we are well past thinking about it and it should be a must and how do we convince some of these old school radio people that think its a waste of money?
How great is the potential for digital advertising if done right? Success stories?
If there was one thing you think that Christian radio is lacking behind Mainstream radio, what is it?
Although this conversation is focused on Christian radio it is relevant for any format. Check it out.
And especially enjoy the part where I point out that every household already has an average of two radio mobile apps – both in their driveway.
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