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WiFi is coming to an entire city near you…


Your listeners will soon be snuggling beneath city-wide blankets of WiFi.

[LA Mayor] Antonio Villaraigosa proposes a Wi-Fi plan that would provide free or low-cost Internet services over 498 square miles in 2009.

And this from the Houston Chronicle:

On Tuesday, [Houston] Mayor Bill White finally pulled back the curtain on the city’s plans for blanket Wi-Fi coverage, revealing Earthlink as the winning vendor and a basic cost structure for the service….The network will cover the city’s 600 square miles. In theory, you’ll be able to connect anywhere within the Houston city limits.

When every spot is a hotspot every Internet receiver becomes a radio.

And radio’s competition explodes.

Are you set to compete in that world? Do you have the plan? The tools?

Are you investing your precious resources in the right things?



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