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Yes, I Can Prove Radio Works for Advertisers


The norm in radio is to pitch 30’s or 60’s at faceless listeners with largely unmeasurable results.

“Did it work?” is rarely the question since most radio sales operations don’t care to know (and neither do many agencies).

But “most” certainly does not mean “all.”

And in this age of rampant accountability – an era when return-on-investment is a readily available metric as close as a Google Adword, some broadcasters are offering up something to advertisers that they’re not accustomed to seeing from radio:


Proof that their radio buy works.

Lurking in the sales pit at Clear Channel Los Angeles is a skunk-works team organized by Dan Granger.

Dan is an account exec who has taken the responsibility for radio’s advertising success into his own hands.  And in so doing, he is transforming the relationship his direct clients have with radio.

The toolbox Dan is using is not necessarily new, and his approach is not necessarily novel.  But it remains all too rare in the radio industry today.

So far.

So listen to this conversation with Dan and discover what Dan does and why his clients swear by it.

This is must-listening for the radio sellers and their managers and leaders in my audience.

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All credit to Clear Channel for making Dan’s work possible.

And share your own stories of how you have demonstrated “results” for your clients.

Listen to our entire interview here – or subscribe to all the Mark Ramsey Media podcasts at iTunes.

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